12 sounds with tag Water Treatment Plant
  • Waterworks (1): the coagulation building – coagulant dosing pumps

    The operation of pumps which dose the raw water coagulant in the coagulation building. The raw water from the intake on the Rudawa River is pumped into...
  • Waterworks (10): the chlorination building – chlorine dioxide production generators

    Operation of the chlorine dioxide production generators for water disinfection. A chemical reaction occurs in the generators; as a result of mixing...
  • Waterworks (11): the treated water pumping station

    Soundscape recorded in the hall of the treated water pumping station. A set of pumps and auxiliary devices suck treated water from collecting wells...
  • Waterworks (12): the sludge press

    Sounds of the sludge thickening press. ZUW Rudawa also handles sludge generated in the water treatment process (sludge from sedimentation in post-coagulation...
  • Waterworks (2): the coagulation building – rapid mixers

    The sounds of high-speed mixers in the coagulation building. Rapid mixers are used to quickly dissolve the dosed coagulant (poly-aluminium chloride) in...
  • Waterworks (3): the coagulation building – slow mixers

    The sounds of slow mixers in the coagulation building. The slow mixers consist of eight chambers fitted with two slow agitators with rotation speed regulation....
  • Waterworks (4): the sand filter building – filter aeration

    The sound was recorded in the course of aerating the sand filter. Water from the settling tank where most suspended matter was removed, goes into the...
  • Waterworks (5): the sand filter building – filter rinsing

    The sound was recorded in the course of rinsing the sand filter bed. The recording was made at the Rudawa Water Treatment Plant, which is part of Krakow...
  • Waterworks (6): the sand filter building – water drainage after rinsing

    After aeration and rinsing of the filter, the impurities and the backwash go into the pipes and then into the desludger. The recording includes the sound...
  • Waterworks (7): the sand filter building – rinsing completion

    The sounds recorded at the completion of the aeration and rinsing process of the filter bed in the sand filter building. The filtered water is then pumped...
  • Waterworks (8): the intermediate pumping station

    The sound of the sand filter aeration process was recorded in the intermediate pumping station in the filter building. At this point, water which has been...
  • Waterworks (9): the carbon filter hall

    Sounds recorded as the water goes through carbon filters. Filtration on a bed with active carbon improves the colour and taste of water, and also removes...