40 sounds with tag People
  • Summer services VI: Song of Zion

    Summer services (Suviseurat in Finnish) is the annual meeting of Conservative Laestadian movement. Leastadians are part of the Finnish Lutheran Church. Summer...
  • Turku Castle Courtyard Soundscape

    Turku Castle was built in the late 13th century being one of the oldest buildings still in use in Finland. The castle has served as a museum since the...
  • Turku Market Square Soundscape

    This sonic walk was recorded at Turku Market Square. In the recording you can hear people doing their shopping, shopkeepers selling their products and...
  • Vapputori (International Workers’ Day Market)

    Vappu is the Finnish name of the International Workers’ Day, which is celebrated on the first of May. In Finland the 30th of April is also celebrated...