2010s construction Soundscape Square Stockholm Sweden

Soundscapes of Stockholm (1)

Sergels Torg is a place in Stockholm which many people associate with everything that is not construction work; street musicians, a bustling crowd always running here and there, public transportation, traffic and perhaps most of all - large scale demonstrations and different meetings. However, for some time there has been a large construction project here - with building of new rails for the tram and extensions of buildings around the square. Instead of the above mentioned sounds, what now can be heard is mostly construction work. And when the construction finally is done, it will sound the same as before - but still different since there now also will be trams going across the square.

Photo and recording by Erik Pålsson.


246.5 MB
5 min 20 s
2 (Stereo)
Sample rate:
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
96 kHz
6144 kb/s
0 bit

Recorded on July 6, 2018
Stockholm, SWEDEN
Creative Commons License